You asked for it and we responded!
Last year we began to hear club comments that they would like to know more about what other clubs were doing for service projects that were supported by Rotary Grants.  The initial comments came too late in the year,but this year we have it organized and ready for you on the district web site, right now.
If you go to the District web site at and click on Our Foundation at the top of the page, you will get a drop-down menu. Click on Foundation Grants and scroll down till you get to Find out How the District and Global Grant Money was used.
Below “Find Out How . . “ you will find a list of all the grants that were awarded last November.  Each grant listed is a link to a more detailed explanation of that grant, how much grant money was awarded and the club that created the project. If you like any of what you read, contact the club and start asking questions!
We hope you find this helpful.  Let us know what you think.  If you like it we can do it every year.  We can get it out even earlier now that we know what we are doing!